Student Video Projects

Rudolph the Red Nosed Robot

Rudolph the Red-Nosed Robot by OSU Robotics and CHARISMA Lab Music being used for entertainment purposes only, we do not own the rights.

Can Service Robot Help Best Practices for COVID?

We present the design of a mobile robot that delivers hand sanitizer on the Oregon State University campus. The goal is to encourage people to follow the best health practices under COVID-19. A wizard teleoperates the robot to approach bystanders, communicating via its approach that it would like them to participate.

Semi-Ethnographic Study on Human Responses to a Help-Seeker Robot

This video presents how people responded to a robot asking for help at six cafes at the Oregon State University campus. We conducted fly-on-the-wall observations, participant interviews, and grounded coding to understand why and how people helped the robot.

Dancing with ChairBots

CHARISMA Robotics Laboratory at Oregon State University invited a Theater Artist to collaborate on two interdisciplinary robot theater productions using ChairBots and human performers. This video was meant to address the novelty and contributions, both technical and creative, of dancing with robot furniture.

Acting Lesson with Robot: Emotional Gestures

The video depicts a *fictional* acting lesson between a Nao robot Data and his human acting instructor Matthew Gray on Chekhov Psychological Gestures. We intend this as a simple example of how acting methodology (in this case, physical theater) can cross-apply to the development of more expressive and effective social robots.

Past and Current Outreach

CHARISMA hosts artist-in-residences, participates in local, national and international outreach, and occasionally supports arts-first robotics programming, such as a the Mariachi Summer STEAM Camp at OSU.

Artist in residence Program

Artist-in-residences have included theater artists, dancers, and video-game designers. Artists work with out local research team to design, program, and control robots in support of both the artistic goals of our resident and interaction goals of our research team. It is about exploring intersections, and mutual inspiration. One cannot take inspiration from the arts without sometimes creating it.

LOCAL Performances

CHARISMA robots distribute candy each year for Robot Halloween, appear on occasional sunny days outside of the Valley Library, and improvise interactive geometries around campus. Past events: Corvallis Makerfaire, OSU Promise and Perils of Robotics Symposium, Singu-Hilarity: A Robot Comedy Show at the Corvallis Majestic Theater, and Corvallis Science Pub.


Cherry Just Wants to Dance With Somebody: Jeremy Urann’s live performance piece at the 2018 Robot Film Festival.

ChairBot Dances: Featured at the International Conference on Human Robot Interaction in March 2019.